Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Before and After...


AND AFTER... Any questions?

I don't have to see a turkey for another year now...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

OREO's and MILK...

I can't remember the last time I had OREO's!!!

My fondest memories were in 6th grade (Yes, I can remember that far back!)
During recess, I use to have OREO's and MILK (sometimes, chocolate milk).
Nothing is as good as MILK and OREO's right.

So as you grow up, your taste buds are suppose to change, right.

For example, you might enjoy wine every now and then. And what's better than glass or Chardonney in a Redel glass or a nice Merlot in a Redel glass. Redel Crystal's motto is "Everything tastes better in a Redel"

So I have to say, OREO's and MILK in a Redel was pretty good. :-)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Korean for all my friends in Korea and Translation for all my friends here...

사랑하라, 한번도 상처번지 않은 것치럼

츰추라, 아무도 바라보고 있지 않은것치럼
사랑하라, 한번도 상처번지 않은 것치럼
노래하라, 아무도 듣고있지 않은것치럼
일하라, 돈이필요하지않은것치럼
살라, 오늘이 마지막 날인것치럼


Title: Love, like you’ve never been hurt.

Dance, like nobody is watching you.
Love, like you’ve never been hurt.
Sing, like nobody can hear you.
Work, like you don’t need the money.
Live, like today is your last day.

This poem reminded me of the description I put for this log...Everyday be grateful for where you are, what you have, and most of all for the people around you...and LIVE your life to the fullest!

So after I translate this, I find that this is actually a quote from Mark Twain, His original quote was:"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth." So I don't think I did such a bad job on the translation, what do you think???

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Another Funny Korean Movie - My Sassy Girl....

Okay, I have to warn you about this one, the opening sceen it's really gross. You have to have a strong stomach to handle it, but follow along and the story gets better and funnier...


Thursday, October 4, 2007


I saw these bumper stickers and they kinda makes you say...hmmm...

"Why do we kill people, who kill people, to show that killing people is wrong?"


"War is Terrorism with a Bigger Budget."

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Someone has to be watching over me!

So I'm driving down the road getting onto the freeway when this car flips in midair and rolls couple time right in front of me!
I was going straight when the driver of this car was coming on the on-ramp and could not make the turn cuz she was going too fast and hit the signal pole and flipped through my lane and ended up in the ditch!
If I were only 3 seconds faster, she would have crashed into me! Yikes!
Somone has to be watching over me! I think the heavenly Daddy is trying to tell me something???!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Okay, So I have been hacking away lately trying to improve my golf right. Joe the Pro said, "Drive for accuracy and hit irons for distance."

Palo Alto GC - shooting my normal bogey golf right, 10 over on the first nine holes. Then on the tenth hole, I get par. On the eleventh, I get par. Twelfth par, thirteen par, fourteenth par, fifteen par, and sixteen par. Seven pars in a row. I start to get delusions of grandeur of course, and seventeenth I double, and eighteen, I bogey. Still only 3 over on the back! That's one of the best 9 hole's I've ever played!

I think I'm due for a hole-in-one! What do you think???

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Got to witness a part of baseball history, thanks to my buddy Jon Boy...
Last home game for the Giants for the season and Barry Bonds last game as a Giant.
Couple interesting things during the game...first of all, about the sixth inning or so, a blonde runs out of the left field bleachers to give Barry a hug, but the security and police get to her before she could give him a hug. Of course, she was escorted off and did not get to hug Barry, all he could do is wave good-bye...
Then the crowd in the bleachers started to get rowdy for some reason, since we were sitting in the upper deck behind home plate, I wasn't sure what was going on, I said to Jon-Boy and the people around, "Probably a rowdy, DODGER fan!!!" haha!!!
Finally, they had this big number 25 and "Bonds" on the left field and every time the Padre player would step on the number or the letters, they would start heckling him from the bleachers in left. It was funny to watch.
What a season for watching baseball, I saw some awesome games, and ALL-STAR game, and the final game at home for the season and Barry Bonds last game...I thinking I need to go to a Opening Day game soon...
Oh one last note, about baseball, at the All Star game, I tried to get Dusty Bakers autograph in the dugout after the game. He was signing for the fans. I said, "Uncle Dusty, sign my bat (I had a personalized bat I purchased at the game). He looked at me and looked at the bat and said, "I don't sign bats."
I said, "It's my birthday bat, it's got my name on it."
He looked at the bat, looked at me and said, "I don't sign bats."
Oh well...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Korean Show will make you LAUGH!!! LOL...

View My Lovely Sam-soon on AZNTV.COM

Catch the first episode of My Lovely Sam-soon. Only online...
My Lovely Sam-soon
Episode 1[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]

It's been a while since I watched a Korean movie or TV show, but I saw this and started LOL! It's ssssooooo Korean, it will make you laugh!

Check it out and other Korean stuff at:

Monday, September 17, 2007

Craig enjoying his Birthday...

See the link for more pictures, it was more like a limo trip than a baseball game...however, the game was very exciting. A's came back from 8-2 to 8-7 in the bottom of the eighth and had two on base with Mike Piazza, but he flied out...oh well...

My favorite things...

Golf and Food...hmmm.... for more pictures, check out the link to the left...

This is the TPC course in Snoqualmie, WA. their link is:

This is the food at Mary and Joe's. Unfortunately, they don't have a link...all you get is the picture!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Get ready for this...have a box of Kleenex near by...

If you've ever made an excuse for yourself, or thought your life was hard...view this video and it will give you prespective again...

Warning: Have a box of Kleenex near by...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday at the game...

Sunday at the ballpark... with friends...

But no HOME RUNS for Barry...
More pics in the photo album to the on the link...

Escape From Alcatraz - Who's with me?

This year's race is June 3 so obviously we can't do it, but how about next year, who's with me?

Let's go

Swim - 1.8 miles
Bike - 18 miles
Run - 8 miles.
Here is the link the the website in case you are interested...

I think doing the Bay-to-Breakers would be a good warm up to the Escape to Alcatraz, what do you think???

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Check out this video,

Listen very carefully to the narration and what he says at the end...

Beware of the three things he mentions, especially the last one! It will get you fried!!!

Monday, July 30, 2007


Drag racing at Infineon...
Stock cars...
and bikes...
Check out all the photos...

I'm sad...

Just heard the news of the passing of Bill Walsh, former 49'ers coach. Wow so sad...
I really enjoyed the football in the 80's, Montana, Rice, Lott, and Randy Cross...on and on...

Very sad to hear the news. :-(

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Afternoon with Shortbus...

So I spent the afternoon with "Shortbus." Some might as, why is his name "Shortbus."

Maybe I should first explain his nickname. He will tell you it's because of some story about how some people have to take the "Shortbus" to school. And people at his work call people "Shortbus" when they do things that are not that smart, But it actually relates to a part of his body if you know what I mean...Sometimes it's "Shrtbu" or "ShortBs", well, you get the picture.
(Just kidding JB, it's all good, right?)
Anyway...we spent the late afternoon hacking it up at Spring Valley Golf Course.
So far it's Shortbus 1, George 5. I won dinner again, but I must say, Shortbus' short game was getting really good. He broke 100 again, shot a 95 but if he had made a few putts, it could have been easily 90 or less.
Could have, should have, would have, I guess it could have been a lot of things. But seriously, he drove the 15 hole to inside the 150 yard mark, chipped to inside of 10 feet, but missed his first putt and ended up with a par. It was like that most of the day.
Too bad "Shortbus", Maybe next time...
Check out Shortbus' swing:

Monday, July 23, 2007

Good Times...with new friends...

From Right to Left,

I'm still not sure why they call him "Stem." He wouldn't tell me the story...I first thought it was because he was a smart guy, but the call signs are usually derogatory and reflects some stupid action or event relating to the individual. So my guess is he either lost a few brain cells along the way or he did something really stupid where they thought he might be missing a brain "Stem." I don't know.

(Me) - Just happy due to the wine...

In the middle is "Doc" for obvious reasons. She's a "Doc" but I don't like the callsign. I prefer "Minnesota" until I can figure out another sign. She wants to be called "Commando," and she says it cuz some stole her "stuff" but I think she just likes to go "Commando!" (Just Kidding!)

Then there's Tattoo. His callsign is what it is but man, can he "Tattoo" a golf ball! 300+ yards from this Kamakazi! He won the driving contest in our little mini tournament with our friends at Bayonet with a drive of 320+. My guess is he must be on the "juice," but like Barry Bonds, he will deny it! Seriously though, he was very consistent in his drives! He claims his handicap is 5.1 according to the NCGA, but I call him a "Sandbagger!" Maybe THAT should be his callsign!

Friday, July 20, 2007

F18 Super Hornets!!!

Thanks to the VFA-2 Squadron, we were able to tour the F18-Super Hornets up close. Incredible the size and feel of plane...Made you just wanna jump for joy!!!

They were really kewl!!! We also had a chance to get into a simulator, and try our skills at landing on the boat...

Alan got the closest to actually touching the deck with the plane, but we all crashed and burned...Tattoo told me to go practice on the PS3 and then I could come back and try it again.

He made it look so easy when he did it, but then again I guess that's why he has the wings and I don't!

Of course there were lot of interested things that we saw and asked questions about, but we were not allowed to take pictures or disclose what we saw...of course we could tell you what we saw, but then we would have to kill you...
Good Times...GBU2
Oh yeah, One More thing...on the way home, Albert decided to sing all the songs from Top was really painful for the rest of us to listen...Maybe we need to take up a collection and get him some singing lessons!!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

A's had their chances but lost...:-(

Sammy Sosa of the (of the late Cubs) now with the Rangers, played, but was not that great...

But then again, he is Sammy Sosa...
I saw Konimi's brother there, but they mis-spelled his name on his Jersey!

It's nice to take POPs to the game...
Eric Gange of the late Dodger great pitched, but was not very good.
My New Friends kept us entertained throughout the game!!!


For the second week in a row, the song of the week is "Your Grace is Enough" by Chris Tomlin. I try to pick a different song every week to inspire me, but I think by picking the same song twice in a row is a reflection of the title that God's Grace is Enough and He will never run out of GRACE for YOU!

Have a wonderful week!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Anybody wants to go fishing???

He caught this on a kyak off Santa Cruz. It had to have been at least 25 lbs. Anybody wanna go fishing???

Frank's B-Day Party ~ Happy B-Day Frank

You know that Frank is thinking, "Man, I need to fart!"

And the Party goes on, and on, and on...

Nouna's second birthday party of the week...

And Let's hear it for the KOREAN POWER!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

3 books...and food for thought...

So my good fri-end KR and I were thinking of the 3 books that we keep in our lives that determine where our priorities in life are.
But the problem was we remember 2 of th 3 but couldn't remember the third according to the life and time of CHUCK.
But of course KR admitted that she doesn't always listen to CHUCK or pay attention to what he says.

Finally, she asked him so here they are:
1. The Date Book - in other words our day timers, or our daily schedules,

2. The Checkbook - and where we spend our money...

3. The Good Book - or how much time we spend in the Bible or with God..

Just something for you to think about...

Friday, July 13, 2007

Nouna's Birthday!!!

They kept singing, "Don't you wish your girl friend was HOT like me..."

Fast Times at Kelly Park

Check out the Hot Rods at Kelly Park in San Jose...

My favorite was still the Mustang!!!...

Although, CG's choice was not bad either...

And his other choices...well.... hmmm....