Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 2009

Chula Vista, CA... Christmas Eve was spent driving from Loma Linda to Chula Vista. Of course it was such a nice day, I had to drop off Moreno Valley and get some golf in...

The evening was spent watching Avatar with Nephews Damian and Matt, and their friends...very kewl movie!

Christmas day with the family and playing poker in the evening with the kids. I won an Patrick came in second, Katrina third. I gave the I-Pod to Patrick!

Day after Christmas was spend at home and golfing at Chula Vista Muni - what a dirt track...never go there again!

then back to the Bay area...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Carmel Valley Ranch

Spent the day playing Carmel Valley Ranch in cold 58 degrees. Played 2 balls on the first round and played the back 9 afterwards. Hole 11 is the best hole. Not a long course but technically very challenging. Nice fast greens will keep you focused. Played a lot like Cinnabar Hills.

Monday, November 30, 2009

San Juan Oak

After 18th hole, I was only 5 over!!! That's right, 5 over!!! But then I started on the 10th hole!!! haha.... nice day for golf. What can I say...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Eagle Ridge - Gilroy

First time played, wind, cold, and bad drives, make for a long day. Barely broke 100, lost lots of balls. Will have to try again...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Silver Creek Valley CC

You know why they call it Silver Creek? Cuz when you see the creek in front of the green, you get silver hair from the STRESS!!! So I was 5 over after 8 holes...after 9 holes, I was 8 over. Go figure...Those blow up holes always kill me?

I finished the day with 90. Bogey golf...not a great day, and not a bad day...but for the first time on the new course, not bad...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

95 at Corde Valle - Green Tees

Really hot day, and I can't seem to break 95 there even from the green t's! Really bad day of putting and chipping. Drives were good but couldn't zero in on the short irons!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Spring Valley - Beat me up again...

I was 1 over after 5 holes at Spring Valley, the Par 3 7th Hole, I tripled! Does that suck or what???!!!

144 holes of golf in 9 days...1 day of fishing...What a great vacation !!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Salt Creek Golf Course - Chula Vista

Nice layout, very similar to Cinnabar Hills in San Jose, or Poppy Hills. Fairways were punched (Again, I don't understand why they punch greens and fairways in August in San Diego, but they do).

Greens were okay, good condition, rolling speed was average. Rough was really Rough.
I would go back to the place and would play again!

Shot 86 I think...Not bad for first time on the course from the tips!

126 holes in 8 Days...and counting...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Fishing Report - San Diego

6 Pack on El Gato Dos with Damian, Dan, Young, Johnny...

Went out about 25 miles. Dan hooked into a huge Dorado, you could see the blue and gold, man it was a beautiful fish, too bad he lost it.

Dan would have won the JACKPOT with the two biggest Yellow Fin Tuna, too bad, there wasn't a JACKPOT...

Damian caught the only 2 Yellowtail on the trip, but overall it was a very good trip...

1 Mako Shark (George)
3 Skip Jacks
18 Yellow Fin
2 Yellowtail

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Eastlake Golf Course

San Diego, not very interesting course. But shot of the day was on 16 when I hit my second shot into the lake, skipped twice and landed on the other side just short of the green. Saved me a stroke, but couldn't get up and down. Bogey was about all I could do today. :-(

Monday, September 7, 2009

90 holes in 3 days...

2 rounds on Friday at Poppy Hills, 27 holes at Bayonet Black Horse, 27 Holes at Laguna Seca. I Think that's a new record for me.

Played okay at Poppy, but drives were off. BBH was little bit better. Shot 87 at Laguna.

I'm Tired.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Corde Valle

The course gets longer and longer!!! They added new boxes to make it over 7000 yards and crazy guy wants to play from the tips! I had two really bad holes and barely broke 100. Still one of my favorite courses!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

San Ramon Golf Club

Two beers too many and too many stokes make it a bad day of golfing, but still a good day with friends. Didn't find the course very interesting. But oh well. Broke 100 but nothing to be proud of.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

80 at Seaside...

First time playing Seaside, Shot 80! Not bad for first time playing. Very narrow fairways and small greens. Shot 6 over in front and 3 over in back. Par 71. 9 over was pretty good. Played without my driver.

Nice day, nice golf...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lake Chabot - 89

Long time since I played Lake Chabot Golf Course. Par 6, 18th hole. Got up there near the green in 3 but could not chip in for eagle. 1 put for birdie.

It was a nice day, hot ! ! !

New friends, and new group to golf with...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

36 at Poppy Hills!!!

So I shoot 88 in the morning and 94 in the afternoon. The funny thing is the morning was from the Blue T's and the afternoon was from the White T's.

So why do I shoot better from the longer, farther T's?

It makes no sense...Golf makes no sense!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

George vs. Spring Valley Golf Course... GEORGE WINS!!!


5 over in the front 39, and 1 over in the back 37. Pars on all the holes, except #14 (Bogey). Best 9 holes ever. Best score ever, 6 over.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

120 Holes of Golf for the week...

3 rounds in 1 day is a new record...I can't count all the strokes, but it was a lot!
Hiddenbrooke in Vallejo, CA in the morning and 2 rounds at Paradise Valley in Fairfield, CA in the afternoon.

Left the house at 5:30 in the morning, finished golfing around 8:30pm. Got home around 10:30 or so...

Wednesday, 2 rounds + extra holes at Poppy Hills in Monterey, CA.

I'm tired.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sometimes, you just gotta say...WTF!

Some days, you just feel like...

Monday, June 15, 2009

KOREANS ROCK!!! Check out the Video...

Featuring my nephew...


Laughs for all...

So sad, and still shocked...

I cannot put into words the feelings and thoughts that have been racing through my mind the last few days. I'm just heartbroken for my brother, and my nephew and niece. I just can't imagine what Carol's family is going through right now...

I thought it was painful when I lost my mom when I was 28, but the sudden, violent death of my sister-in-law is just unbelievable. Days have passed since I first heard the news, but my stomach still turns and I feel like vomiting when I think of her death.


to add your comments

Monday, June 1, 2009

The best Hot Sauce on EGGS!!! 

Hmmm...you know I love eggs...and I love this hot sauce on eggs or with Fries or with anything that requires hot sauce...

I didn't realize how much I liked it until I ran out of it!  Man...I need some

Pepper Plant Hot Sauce...I want it NOW!!! 

Monday, May 18, 2009

Shot 64 at Boulder Ridge...
it was a Scramble!!!  Two women and two man team...Nice huh?  

Also, Got to see Guy McIntyre of the 49ers!  Very Cool guy!  Signed autographs...

Great time for all...Can't wait till next year...

This course is special...like Corde Valle is special...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Let's GO Giants! 
Korean Heritage Night...
Thunder sticks and all...
But Giants Lost...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Longest Drive - WINNER!!!

Spring Valley Golf Course, Hole 8, 407 Yards from the White, Par 4.  Drove it to about 75 yards.  Granted, there was down wind, and used a Pinnacle ball...and for my efforts, I won a Gas Grill BBQ!!! 

This is why, this is my favorite driving hole on the course!  

Monday, April 27, 2009

Corde Valle

Corde Valle, San Martin...

Nice place to play, but not a nice score.  Played from the tips and for the first time in over a year shot a monster 106! Not one of my better rounds.  Last time, I think I played less than bogey golf from the Silver Tees. 

It was just nice to be out there...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

79* at Sping Valley

Shot 79 at Spring Valley, but can't take full credit.  Had to take a Mulligan. :-(.  .Still searching for that true 79...

Oh well, there's always next week....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

45 Holes of Golf in 8.5 hours, 205 score!

New record Low or High, depending on how you look at it.  
Played Sunol Palm and shot 11 over.  Then Shot the back nine on Cypress at 3 over, 5 over, and 8 over.  The wind was strong and I got tired. Total score for the day 205....

That's a new High/Low!   

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Wow Korea wins yesterday and as Japan closes out  Cuba tonight that means ANOTHER KOREA and JAPAN game coming up!  Man it doesn't get any better than this!!!  

Now I REALLY wish I was in L.A. to go to the games.!!! 

Monday, March 16, 2009


Korea against Mexico yesterday, and Korea won!  Then today it's Venezula vs Puerto Rico.  I've never watched so much baseball on TV before.  It's like the World Series every night!  

Man I wish I was in San Diego to watch the next Korean game.  I can't imagine what it will be like in L.A. if Korea makes it to the finals! 

Monday, February 9, 2009

Shot 81 at Spring Valley, AGAIN!

Darn it, I just can't seem to break 80 at this course.  I've come close so many times.  Shot 4 over in the front! Six PARS, 2 bogeys, and one Double Bogey!... but the back I got killed!  Seven over through 16 and then a Birdie on 17 gave me a chance, but Bogeyed the 18 again!   Shooting 7 over in the back.  Oh well, another day!  

Friday, January 30, 2009


Valkyrie with Tom Cruise was okay...not as good as expected, but DEFIANCE with Daniel Craig (from James Bond movies) was better than expected.  I don't like movies about WWII that involve stories about the Holocaust.  I think to this day, I have bad memories of ready the story of Anne Frank when I was in the 5th or 6th grade.   I still have not and will not watch the Shindler's List.  I also had bad memories of Band of Brothers when they showed the scenes of the concentration camps near the end of the story...I just think it was too horrible what happened then and I don't need to be reminded of it...  

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Super Bowl 2009!

I want the Steelers to win because...I don't like the Cardinals!  They cost me on a 3 game parlay many years ago, and I still remember it!  Secondly, I don't like Kurt Warner (ex-Rams!), besides gotta root for Hines Ward, he's 1/2 KOREAN!!!  

2009 Not a good start for Poker!

2 weeks in a row I busted out to Lyssa!  What's up man???!!!!  I can't believe it...It's gonna be a long year!