Thursday, October 18, 2007

OREO's and MILK...

I can't remember the last time I had OREO's!!!

My fondest memories were in 6th grade (Yes, I can remember that far back!)
During recess, I use to have OREO's and MILK (sometimes, chocolate milk).
Nothing is as good as MILK and OREO's right.

So as you grow up, your taste buds are suppose to change, right.

For example, you might enjoy wine every now and then. And what's better than glass or Chardonney in a Redel glass or a nice Merlot in a Redel glass. Redel Crystal's motto is "Everything tastes better in a Redel"

So I have to say, OREO's and MILK in a Redel was pretty good. :-)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Korean for all my friends in Korea and Translation for all my friends here...

사랑하라, 한번도 상처번지 않은 것치럼

츰추라, 아무도 바라보고 있지 않은것치럼
사랑하라, 한번도 상처번지 않은 것치럼
노래하라, 아무도 듣고있지 않은것치럼
일하라, 돈이필요하지않은것치럼
살라, 오늘이 마지막 날인것치럼


Title: Love, like you’ve never been hurt.

Dance, like nobody is watching you.
Love, like you’ve never been hurt.
Sing, like nobody can hear you.
Work, like you don’t need the money.
Live, like today is your last day.

This poem reminded me of the description I put for this log...Everyday be grateful for where you are, what you have, and most of all for the people around you...and LIVE your life to the fullest!

So after I translate this, I find that this is actually a quote from Mark Twain, His original quote was:"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth." So I don't think I did such a bad job on the translation, what do you think???

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Another Funny Korean Movie - My Sassy Girl....

Okay, I have to warn you about this one, the opening sceen it's really gross. You have to have a strong stomach to handle it, but follow along and the story gets better and funnier...


Thursday, October 4, 2007


I saw these bumper stickers and they kinda makes you say...hmmm...

"Why do we kill people, who kill people, to show that killing people is wrong?"


"War is Terrorism with a Bigger Budget."