Monday, June 30, 2008

What does Annkia Sorenstam & George have in common???

Not much, but Annika chips in her last shot at the Women's US Open, 18 hole par 5 to finish with a birdie. On the same day, George Chips in on the 11th hole at Spring Valley, after 11 holes, he's only 6 over par!!! Unfortunately, he pulled a Greg Norman, after 15 holes, George was 12 over! But don't worry, he finished strong. Finished with 13 over par, and finished with an 83! Not a bad round for an old fart.

Oh, BTW, my handicap went down to 13.9 as of July 2008!

Slowly getting to my goal to get below 10 Handicap!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Go KIM!!! She makes it to the Final 3! ! !

Kim earns immunity and makes to to the final 3!!! You go GIRL!

In the mean time, the grude match between Lori & Christina continues as they are matched up for the immunity challenge. Christina misses an opportunty to make a 3 foot put and leaves it on the lip of the cup to miss. Lori makes her 3 footer to tie.

At the next location, Christina chokes and chunks her hybrid out of the rough and takes 2 shots to reach the green but Lori is on the green in 1 and she is closer to the hole. Doesn't look good for Christina! Again she misses her put.

2 holes played 6 stokes to 8, Lori ahead of Christina. Next location, Lori hits and awful drive in the bunker but saves herself by making it on to the green.

But Christina misses her chip and Lori makes 2 putt and send Christina to the elimination match with Sophie!

Elimination match with Christina and Sophie, go Sophie!

Friday, June 20, 2008


So, This week was spent visiting with the Baker Clan in Monterey and SF. Of course we did the tourist tour of Monterey Aquarium, 17-mile Drive, and the rest of the Peninsula...

Best part for me was seeing all the golf courses along 17-mile drive, no wind 85-90 degrees, perfect conditions for golfing...

Also all the fish at the Aquarium made me think of Tuna fishing again...

Anyone up for fishing? What's the catch like in San Diego?